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Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery - (Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery - (B.H.M.S.))


5 year





Course Introduction

Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery

The B.H.M.S. course, which stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery, is an undergraduate program in the field of alternative medicine. In this course, students learn about the principles and practices of homeopathy, a natural healing system that aims to stimulate the body's self-healing abilities. B.H.M.S. is a popular choice for those interested in holistic healthcare and natural remedies. During the course, students study subjects like anatomy, physiology, materia medica, and homeopathic therapeutics. They also gain practical experience in diagnosing and treating patients using homeopathic remedies. B.H.M.S. is a comprehensive program that equips graduates with the knowledge and skills to pursue a career as a homeopathic practitioner, helping individuals achieve wellness and balance in their lives through gentle and non-invasive treatments. It offers an exciting pathway for those passionate about holistic health and alternative medicine.

Course Overview

The Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (B.H.M.S.) is a comprehensive program that focuses on the principles and practices of homeopathy, a holistic system of medicine. This course typically spans a duration of 5.5 years and is divided into various phases, including pre-clinical, para-clinical, and clinical subjects. During the pre-clinical phase, students learn the fundamentals of anatomy, physiology, and homeopathic philosophy. In the para-clinical phase, they delve into subjects like pathology, microbiology, and pharmacology. The clinical phase involves hands-on training in homeopathic diagnosis and treatment, including case-taking, repertorization, and Materia Medica. Students also gain practical experience through internships and clinical rotations. The B.H.M.S. the program equips graduates with the knowledge and skills to practice homeopathy, emphasizing a holistic approach to healing and patient care. It opens up various career opportunities in private practice, healthcare institutions, research, and academia, making it a valuable choice for those interested in alternative medicine.

Course Eligibility

To pursue a B.H.M.S. (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) course, candidates typically need to have completed their 10+2 education with science subjects, including Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, and meet the eligibility criteria set by the respective institution or university.


Admission Process

There is an online admissions process available at Online Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery, therefore there is no need to physically visit the campus to apply for admission. There is no entrance exam required to apply for admission to Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery Online because admissions are made directly. The following describes the Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery's admissions process for online courses:

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Course Subjects

  • #Anatomy
  • #Physiology
  • #Biochemistry
  • #Organon of Medicine and Philosophy
  • #Homeopathic Pharmacy
  • #Psychology
  • #Microbiology
  • #Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • #Social and Preventive Medicine (Community Medicine)
  • #Surgery
  • #Medicine
  • #Pediatrics
  • #Dermatology
  • #Psychiatry
  • #Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • #Ophthalmology
  • #Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
  • #Orthopedics

Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery's Highlights

Holistic Healthcare:

B.H.M.S. emphasizes a holistic approach to healthcare, considering the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of a patient's well-being. This approach sets it apart from conventional medicine

Hands-on Clinical Training

Students receive extensive clinical training, including patient case-taking, repertorization, and Materia Medica. This practical experience helps them develop effective homeopathic treatment skills.

Natural and Safe Medicine:

Homeopathy uses natural substances and is known for its safety and minimal side effects. B.H.M.S. students learn to prescribe remedies that stimulate the body's own healing abilities.

Diverse Career Opportunities

Graduates can pursue various career paths, such as establishing private practices, working in homeopathic hospitals and clinics, engaging in research, or teaching in academic institutions

Integrated Curriculum

B.H.M.S. programs typically include a well-rounded curriculum covering subjects like anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology alongside homeopathic principles. This integration enhances students' understanding of both conventional and homeopathic medicine.

Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery's Freights

In India, the BHMS program's average tuition fees range from INR 80,000 to INR 9,00,000. Core subjects within the BHMS curriculum encompass topics such as organon of medicine, psychology, anatomy, embryology, and principles of homeopathy, among others.

Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery's Specialization

Specializations in B.H.M.S. Course B.H.M.S. graduates can specialize in various areas, including Homeopathic Pediatrics, Homeopathic Psychiatry, Homeopathic Dermatology, and Homeopathic Gynecology. These specializations enable practitioners to focus on specific patient populations and conditions, enhancing their expertise in delivering holistic homeopathic care.

  • #Homeopathic Pediatrics:
  • #Homeopathic Psychiatry:
  • #Homeopathic Dermatology:
  • #Homeopathic Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • #Homeopathic Clinical Research

Course Job

Course Types

Offline course

Offline Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (B.H.M.S) courses typically offer full-time, on-campus programs. Students attend classes in physical classrooms, engage in laboratory work, and interact directly with professors and peers. These traditional programs provide hands-on learning experiences and face-to-face interactions, fostering a comprehensive understanding of engineering principles and practices.

Why this Course ?

Frequently Asked Questions

A: The B.H.M.S. (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) program is an undergraduate degree in holistic medicine. It trains students in homeopathy, emphasizing natural remedies and holistic patient care, typically spanning 5.5 years.

A: Career prospects for B.H.M.S. graduates include private practice, roles in homeopathic hospitals, research, teaching, healthcare consulting, and integration into complementary medicine settings, offering diverse opportunities in the field of holistic healthcare.

A: The B.H.M.S. the program helps develop skills in holistic patient assessment, homeopathic remedy selection, case analysis, effective communication, and understanding of natural healing, making graduates adept at providing personalized, safe, and natural healthcare.

A: The B.H.M.S. (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) program typically takes 5.5 years to complete, including both academic study and clinical training, making it a comprehensive undergraduate course in homeopathy.

A: Credit transfer policies vary by institutions. To transfer credits from a community college to a B.H.M.S. program, consult the B.H.M.S. program's admission office for specific requirements and eligibility criteria.